My name is Abdulazez Dukhan, I am 23 years old, based in Brussels. When the Syrian revolution started in 2011, I was living in my hometown Homs-Syria. After few years displacement between towns, I left to Turkey by the end of 2014. After few months I stareted learning digital art to express ideas and thoughts. As the situation grew harder in Turkey, January 2016 I left Turkey again heading to Greece. I found myself stuck in Northern Greece as the Greek-macadonian borders closed. For 6 months I lived between Idomini and Eko-station refugee camps. At the age of 17 years old, I volunteerd with different organizations mainly to interprete English-Arabic. Seeing the way European media presented refugees as hopeless, dangerous and ignorant people, got me thinking of the reasons behind that. I started doing photography with help of volunters I worked with, who supported and sent equipment. Quickly, my documentarian photography was known as the insider eye and people’s stories were spread. Messages as “I didn’t know about the situation, I want to come volunteer” pushed me to keep sharing stories until I realized how strong photography could be.
In April 2017 I left Greece and made it to Belgium. After retaking two years of highschool I graduated and entered university. Currently, I am in my last year of Computerscience Bachelor at the Free University of Brussels(VUB). Yet, my passion for photography is still there and I work on projects around from time to time. Some personal as 50Humans and other photojournalistic work as Undocumented workers coverage in Brussels. As well as still doing graphic design both personal for campagins about/for Syria, or paid work. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.